Last updated 6/18/09

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tear Down the Wall!

There may be a few changes around here from now.
Until now, I'd done my best to keep things relatively light and have been careful not to post anything that would discourage anyone from reading this blog - namely, I have mostly tried to stay away from religion and politics. I requested the same of "Gobbler."

However, I am a religious person, and I follow politics. Both are important. I am an American Catholic, and I am proud to be both. I am not always proud of my fellow Catholics or Americans, but that's something I may explore in future posts.

I will continue to tell tales of my life in Japan, and I will still do my best at making humorous observations and comments. However, I wanted to profess that my name is Paul, I have particular views regarding my religion and my country, and I will be discussing them in the future. Eh, it's not like I have many readers, anyway.